Letters to Our Daughters- January 2012

January 8, 2013

Dearest Cecilia,

The past 4 months have flown by too fast. It is amazing the bond between you and I; a mother and her child. If two people met and then discussed their relationship after four months, they would acknowledge they had only scratched the surface, their understanding of each other would still be shaky, unsure and tentative.

We on the other hand, dear little daughter, we KNOW. You may be only four months into this world but you are certain of my love. You know that I will always come running. You know that I will smile at your gummy grins, even at 4am.  You know that I am the chaser of bad dreams, the comforter during the cold nights,  the protection from the scary unknowns.

I know, without a doubt, of your precious innnocence. I know you are pure, your love is open, frank, honest and loud. There are no pretences with you, no falsehoods, your moods are open and bare. When you are happy you squeal (loudly) with joy and when you are in need or unhappy you roar your displeasure and plead with your eyes at me to set your world right once more.

As we both age our relationship will change and evolve but for now I will pick you up, bury my face in your sweet chubby cheeks, kiss you till you coo (it doesn’ take long or many kisses) and be completely absorbed in this raw love between us.





This letter is part of a series that I write every month, to read another letter like this one, head over to Lauren Sanderson’s blog.

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