Year Two – Ten years of Motherhood

May 5, 2014

The second year of motherhood began with a new home, new community, new dog and I was back to work and Josh had graduated and he had re-entered the workforce too. Balancing the few hours a day between my 2+ hour commute, housework, Peter and work began to show its toll.

Where the first year had felt like a breeze, this year began and I felt torn. Torn between the office job I liked and daily adult conversations, and the busy little toddler.  We wanted more children and I finally decided to embark on being a stay at home mother.

Staying at home with Peter meant routine. I had learned that Peter’s mercurial moods were better when we had a strict routine that involved Sesame Street, strict nap times, and the same snacks each day. Life with my little toddler was proving to test my patience daily, his sunshiny face would disappear in an instant and these dreaded toddler tantrums began! I did miss having the chance to chat with adults daily and dealing with the isolation was a new challenge.

I suddenly had understanding and sympathy for every mother in a grocery store with a screaming child! Trips to stores could often mean the walk of shame from a filled cart and back to the car, while a little boy screamed his little heart out.

Toddlerhood made me realize for the first time in my life how fast time was going, his babyhood was going and replaced with new found independence….I missed the baby desperately and was elated when we found out that our family would be growing again and that dear baby stage would be returning to our home.

Saint John NB Newborn Photography

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