When a Baby is Born Too Early
About a month ago I received an email from one of our expecting mothers, her message exuded stress because her new baby was born too early and now was in the NICU. Knowing that she needed comfort and support I turned to my business Facebook account and asked what advice could mothers give to another mother when their baby is born too early and now in the care of the local NICU.
The responses were heartfelt, well written and beautiful. I did not want those sweet words of encouragement to get lost among the daily posts of social media and decided to share their messages here. The next time a mother messages, I can send her here, to read the words of other mother’s who have stood in her very shoes. In the hope’s she receives the comfort she needs during that time.

Messages from Mother’s Who Have Been In Your Shoes

Thank you to Everyone who Shared their Message
A special thank you to these wonderful mothers who took the time to give hope, advice, and reassurance. I appreciate you all reaching out!