Second Birthday Pictures

August 31, 2014

It is hard to believe that tonight we did Cecilia’s second birthday pictures! Tomorrow my little tornado of a toddler will turn two! We went outside tonight for a few minutes to capture this brief time in her life!

She was happy to be outside, up late and not getting ready for bed. She danced and played in her birthday outfit , marvelled at her hand me down red sparkly shoes and for a few minutes we giggled and played in the street. Being number four out of five children can mean that time alone with Mommy is limited and precious, and at two she recognizes these fact already. For ten minutes we danced and hugged and chased each other.

She is two years old and marches to the beat of her own drum. She says very little but at the same time is very clear in communicating what she wants. She is addicted to the movie Frozen, sings the song ‘Let is Go’ in tune. She will sit for over an hour with her big sister pouring through doll magazines. She declared herself to be a Daddy’s Girl when she was only a few weeks old and that has never changed. She may not be able to to tell time but as his arrival time from work approaches each day she starts haunting the front door softly calling his name.

Happy birthday my dear little daughter.

Second birthday pictures for a little girl playing outsideLittle girl celebrating her birthday outside in St George New Brunswicksecond birthday pictures of a little girl playing outside

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